Know The Consumer At Every Point Of Their Trip
Get A Comprehensive Picture Of The Client Journey To Enjoy And Convert Clients In Every Phase Of The User Experience. In A Clean, Deduplicated And Expected Formats, HJLS Loads Your Web, Mobile, Server And Mail Data Into Your Warehouse So That You Receive The Entire Picture Including The Booking Data And CRM Details Quickly.
Optimize marketing costs with accurate modelling of attributions
HJLS allows you to set the logic of your own attribution throughout your channels and platforms, so that your marketing attribution is controlled. HJLS data may be readily connected to other data sets to monitor actual costs by acquisition and roasts, so that your marketing approach can be continuously improved.
Make a real-time difference
Help your consumers to make educated choices by delivering relevant material or offers. Please use your high quality, in-patient HJLS data to bring greater engagement and conversion to the energy of customization, recommendation engines or dynamic price models.
Providing a smooth client experience
Kindle users by providing a consistent, easy and memorable experience back to your website or app. In order to achieve an incredibly rich dataset that you can access in real time. HJLS tracks rich, contextual information automatically with your events and continually enhances customer experience.
Improve and simplify compliance with data
HJLS places you in full transparency in your workflow and end-to-end control over your data. Your HJLS pipeline can be completely audited, providing you with direct and unbiased access to your data, making compliance with information rules easier and protecting your users’ privacy rights.